Privacy Statement

Thank you for visiting, a Website designed to enlighten and inspire people all around the world. We want you to know how information about you is collected, used, and shared with others. When you visit our Site or use any related apps or extensions, send us an email, we may collect or have access to personal information that you voluntarily provide to us or third parties acting on our behalf. If you engage with our Site through third-party social networking sites, we may have access to certain information associated with your social media account such as your name, email address, photograph, birthday, location, and people you follow or like. For information on controlling access to your personal information through social networking sites, you should review their privacy policies and terms of use. We may use third parties to help with some of the services we provide. In these situations, these third parties may be provided with access to your information as necessary to perform such services on the condition that they not use or disclose your information for other purposes. Moreover, our Site contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites. For example, if you click on an advertisement that links to another website, this privacy statement will not apply to information collected at that other website. We recommend that you review the privacy statements of other websites before you visit those websites or provide any personal information. If you have any questions regarding this privacy statement, you may email us at

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