Life Quotes

“Travel is a fantastic self-development tool, because it extricates you from the values of your culture and shows you that another society can live with entirely different values and still function and not hate themselves. This exposure to different cultural values and metrics then forces you to reexamine what seems obvious in your own life and to consider that perhaps it’s not necessarily the best way to live.”

- Mark Manson

“If you really want to live your life to the fullest and realize your greatest potential, you must be willing to run the risk of making some people mad. People may not like what you do, people may not like how you do it, but these people are not living your life. You are!”

- Iyanla Vanzant

“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.”

- Carrie Fisher

“Regret isn't good. Every decision one makes in life is made for a reason or another. Whenever something bad happens, I go, 'This is happening for a reason', or, 'This is going to teach me something'.”

- Kate Winslet

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your dreams. Small people always do that, But the really great ones make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

- Mark Twain

“It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you’ve known forever don’t see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.”

- Nicholas Sparks

“I live my life with love. I live my life with compassion. I live my life hoping the best for absolutely everyone, no matter how they feel about me. And when you live that way, it’s amazing how beautiful every day can be.”

- Anne Hathaway

“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.”

- Brené Brown

“Stop telling yourself that the grass is greener on the other side, because it’s not. It is greener where you water it. So take control of your life and start watering your own pastures and grow your own greener grasses.”

- Noah Jeong

“Being a good person is a choice. Don’t let people fool you into believing that truly good people never have bad thoughts, are never tempted by the easier path, by the low road, never mess up or act out selfishly. Never believe a person can be good without making a conscious effort. Every single time you do something good, you’ve made a decision to make the world a little brighter. Goodness is not an inherent trait, it is a choice. Keep making it. I see you, I’m proud of you, and I’m rooting for you.”

- Molly Anne

“In life, always strive to be the kind of person who can see humans at their worst and still love them, because that is when they need love the most.”

- Nikita Gill

“Befriend yourself. It’s a fact of life that the people you love won’t be available every moment you need them. We all lead busy lives and have our own difficulties to address. Reality is, sometimes you’ll be all you have, so you might as well enjoy the company.”

- Beau Taplin

“Some of the kindest souls I know have lived in a world that was not so kind to them. Some of the best human beings I know have been through so much at the hands of others, and they still love deeply, they still care. Sometimes, it’s the people who have been hurt the most who refuse to be hardened in this world, because they would never want to make another person feel the same way they have felt. If that isn’t something to be in awe of, I don’t know what is.”

- Bianca Sparacino

“I’ve always liked quiet people: You never know if they’re dancing in a daydream or if they’re carrying the weight of the world.”

- John Green

“There are certain emotions in your body that not even your best friend can sympathize with, but you will find the right film or the right book, and it will understand you.”

- Bjork

“The trick is to enjoy life. Don’t wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead. The grand and the simple, they are equally wonderful.”

- Marjorie Pay Hinckley

“In general, people are not drawn to perfection in others. People are drawn to shared interests, shared problems, and an individual’s life energy. Humans connect with humans. Hiding one’s humanity and trying to project an image of perfection makes a person vague, slippery, lifeless, and uninteresting.”

- Robert Glover

“So many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes, yet they would open up, unfolding quite wonderfully, if only you were interested in them.”

- Sylvia Plath

“The older I get the more I realize the value of privacy, of cultivating your circle and only letting certain people in. You can be open, honest, and real while still understanding not everyone deserves a seat at the table of your life.”

- Anon

“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.”

- Taylor Swift

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